Ca blog a été crée pour vous, pour garder le lien après l'école et vous permettre de retrouver tous nos outils de travail à la maison. Bon travail !
Friday, October 14, 2011
Players must only ask questions, and each question must in some way relate to the question before it. The goal is to create a scene in which two characters speak only in questions.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Un petit peu toutes les semaines avant la rentrée ... ET UNE RE LECTURE DE SON CAHIER pour ne pas oublier le vocabulaire et la grammaire ...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your winter holiday. Only 3 days to go till March 17th!
Don't forget to wear green on Thursday or you might get pinched...

St. Patrick's Day falls on March 17th. It honors Saint Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland, who was executed on March 17, about A.D. 461.
Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is credited with establishing 300 churches in Ireland and of having converted most of the population to Christianity. Patrick was born in Great Britain to a wealthy Alderman and Christian. At 16 Patrick was kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland. During his captivity as a shepherd, he dedicated himself to his religion. He managed to escape captivity six years, later. Returning to England he believed it was his responsibility to bring Christianity to the Irish. He studied in the monastery of Le'rins off the south east coast of France and in Auxerre, France with Saint Germanius, a French bishop. Pope Celestine I later sent Patrick to Ireland. He was an Apostle to the Irish.
The legends about Saint Patrick are what most people associate with St. Patrick's Day. It is said he used the shamrock to explain the concept of the holy trinity to the Irish. Showing them the three leafed clover he explained that God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit were three parts of the same divinity. Many people believe this is how shamrocks came to be identified with St. Patrick as well as Ireland, becoming it's national symbol. He is also said to have driven the snakes out of Ireland.
Irish jigs,
bag pipes, green beer,
and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow
are all symbols of the Holiday. A four leaf clover is considered to be a sign of good luck. Corn Beef and Cabbage is generally the meal of choice. Religious services may also, be observed to commemorate the day.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Comme chaque année, le collège de Chatel-Guyon propose aux élèves volontaires de participer au jeu-concours national en anglais « THE BIG CHALLENGE ». Ce concours s’adresse à tous les élèves de la 6è à la 3è. Il s’agit d’un QCM (questionnaire à choix multiple) avec 54 questions de vocabulaire, grammaire, prononciation et civilisation. Cette année l’épreuve – d’une durée de 45 minutes – sera organisée le jeudi 12 mai (l’heure sera précisée ultérieurement).
L’inscription est de 3 euros mais le FSE du collège subventionne les élèves participants à hauteur d’1 euro, donc la participation financière pour les élèves désireux de participer est de 2 euros.
Les élèves devront s’inscrire avec leurs 2 euros du 24 janvier au 28 janvier 2011 aux heures habituelles de leurs cours d’anglais.
PS : les élèves peuvent s’entraîner sur le site NB : Pour les élèves en Allemagne à cette date, l’épreuve sera passée outre-Rhin.